keyword cloud sustainability

Think green, act green.

We are taking a number of measures of our own to ensure that a visit to HAMBURG OPEN and other events held by our company is an increasingly sustainable experience. In the following, we would like to present some of these sustainability aspects to you.

Three green leaves. Below it says: “carbon neutral”.

Carbon neutrality by 2040

HAMBURG OPEN benefits from the green agenda of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, which envisages that the city's public companies will become climate-neutral in balance sheet terms by 2040. This politically declared goal thus also applies to the city's subsidiary Hamburg Messe und Congress (HMC), which organises HAMBURG OPEN.

Eine Frau und ein Mann in formeller Kleidung schütteln sich die Hände.

Sustainability as part of tenders

Taking into account the Green Procurement Guidelines, sustainability is increasingly anchored as an award criterion for HMC. In other words: green light for suppliers who think environmentally friendly.

Generated representation of a trade fair stand

Recycling in booth construction

Exhibitors can book high-quality reusable solutions in our online service booking shop. Step by step, other reusable or recyclable materials will follow alongside existing resource- and environmentally-friendly solutions such as LED lighting, system stands or carpet tiles.

Eine Schildkröte schwimmt in türkisfarbenem, leuchtendem Wasser über Algen und Korallen.

Water protection

All year round, we also focus on the sustainable protection of our waters. For example, HMC uses biodegradable cleaning agents at all time and largely dispenses with the use of road salt in winter to clear ice and snow.

Gelbe, grüne und weiße Mülltonnen, die die Mülltrennung symbolisieren.

Waste separation

Participants at HAMBURG OPEN are encouraged to avoid waste and use resources carefully. Exhibiting companies can collect their waste separately and the waste generated at the event will be professionally and properly separated, recycled or disposed of.

Ein Lkw, der vollständig aus grünen Blättern besteht und Nachhaltigkeit symbolisiert.


Efficient route planning isn’t only important at sea: our logistics traffic close to the exhibition is controlled and continuously improved by an intelligent slot system. The logistics fleet at the exhibition centre already consists entirely of e-trolleys and HMC's logistics partner naturally demonstrates a sustainability strategy.

Ein Tisch, der mit kleinen Snacks gedeckt ist, darunter Äpfel, Cracker und Oliven.


Conscious enjoyment is not possible without detailed quality management and processes that take sustainability and environmental protection seriously. Our catering partner Käfer therefore focuses on regional, seasonal and organic food and has an ambitious sustainability strategy.

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Eine S-Bahn fährt über eine Brücke nahe dem Hamburger Hauptbahnhof.

Arrival and departure

An environmentally friendly exhibition experience also includes the conscious choice of means of transport to and from the fair site. Thanks to the central location of the exhibition halls and their connection to several local and long-distance public transport stations, visitors have many options for getting to and from HAMBURG OPEN in an affordable, comfortable and climate-friendly way. These are supplemented by the wide range of mobility sharing service providers.

More Information

You can find out more about sustainability at Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH here.